Original Fine Art


Paintings, Sculptures, Landscapes, Seascapes,
Wildlife Art, Marine Still Life

Fine Acrylics, Soft Pastel, Oils, Watercolors, Wood Sculptures, and Stainless Steel Sculptures.
Browse through the galleries of six Maine artists, and meet and contact the artists directly.

The mission of Artists of Maine is to acquaint the art-loving world

with the works of six of Maine's finest artists.

Please note that all six artists will do commissioned work. If you like an artist's technique and themes,
don't hesitate to contact the artist about designing a special piece for you.

Click on images to view galleries and artists    

Mimi Carpenter
Mimi Gregoire Carpenter

Original Opaque Gouache & Watercolors,
Paintings of Maine Sea Shells

Ric Eland
Ric Eland
 Wood/Stainless Steel
Wildlife & Nature Sculpture

Thea Flanagan
thea Flanagan
 Acrylic & Oil Paintings,
Bird Art,

Tim Flanagan
Tim Flanagan

 Oil Paintings,

Louise Frechette
Louise Frechette

 Soft Pastel,
Oil Paintings,
Seascapes, Cloudscapes

Peggy Clark Lumpkins

Floral and Botannical
Oil Paintings,
Seascapes and Clouds


Now available from Blurb.com:


Paint the Parks
Top 100
Web site by Winklebee (Click on Winklebee to send him feedback on this site)

All content and images on this web site are copyrighted and sole property of the artists.

No one has a right to copy these works without written permission from the artist.
